Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Signs of Spring

Where ever you are, whatever the weather, I wish you joy in this season.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spring Chorus

It stopped me in my tracks as I approached 
the chicken coop in the center of the garden this afternoon.
 There was singing in the woods, 
a song so joyful and exuberant
that it urged me to hurry down the trail.
I did, with Mabel trotting at my heels.

"Spring is here!" the little swamp singers proclaimed. 

My heart sang along
and my steps were lighter,
 as I returned to my chores.

Where ever you are, whatever the weather, 
I wish you a spring in your step
 and somewhere pleasant to spend your time.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

April Seventh in these Northern Hills

Instead of April, there is winter outside my window.

From where I sit, I see the sun setting into the steel blue lake,
Sassy little waves stomp and toss their foamy white hair.

Spring hovers nearby... unseen.

Wherever you are, whatever the weather, I wish you comfort and joy.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Book Review

The blogger and photographer behind Out on the Prairie recently posted a review of my book
 If you have a minute to check it out, please do.  
While you are over there, scroll down through some of Steve's other posts. 
 His photos and commentaries make me feel like I am wandering the prairies
 with a knowledgeable naturalist.  
You will love the peaceful respite that his blog offers; I know I do!

Still working on maple syrup here.  It has been a long, dragged out season... and yet not a remarkable yield.    We just keep plugging away!

Where ever you are, whatever the weather, I wish you joy.