Sunday, June 17, 2007


For the first time in longer than I can remember, I had the house to myself... all night long and so far all morning. I've discovered that if I had more "alone time" I would listen to Evanescence and Sarah McLachlan, do yoga, and have a pretty clean house! I wouldn't watch much television, but might enjoy an old movie late at night, such as "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" with Sidney Poitier, Spencer Tracy, and Katharine Hepburn. I would still take a morning walk in the garden, with my mug of steaming coffee in hand. I'd still go barefoot, so the cold wet grass would wash my feet with dew.

I might nap in the afternoon under the apple tree, as I tried to on Wednesday afternoon after the first day of my summer college course. It wasn't long before two very cute little boys climbed onto the blanket with me, effectively turning my quiet time into Mommy time. There is nothing better than Mommy time, but a little alone time - a little quiet and restoration - makes Mommy a lot more fun!

photo by Haiku, June 13, 2007


Robbin said...

Ah, you look so peaceful and I can just picture the little boys joining you. I'm partial to little boys you know. Mommy time is great but you are right. Mommie needs some Mommy alone time too.
(by the way, I made the blueberry pie and it turned out so well, I gave it to my stepfather for Father's Day. Now I need another one!)

Marcie said...

Robbin, The little guys turn everything into a game (and wrestling!) lol!

Oh, I'll bet the pie was yummy! And definitely, you need to make one for yourself! :)

Genevieve said...

You and I have the very same taste in music. And it is amazing how often "me time" is transformed into "Mommy time" for instance:
Sleeping, bathroom time, the shower. I have two girls maybe they are different than boys but I do not get a lot of peace, but that is O.K I am so grateful that my girls are with me and healthy!
I read a funny quote the other day it said
"The quickest way to get your children's attention is to sit down and look comfortable" how true is that!

Marcie said...

Genevieve, Thank you so much for posting. I love that quote! I have 2 girls and 2 boys, and really in regard to interrupting Mom's quiet time, there isn't a lot of difference. Like you, I'm fine with it. I'm glad they are with me. I may have too much quiet time on my hands when they are grown! I'm off to check out your blog. So glad to have met you! :)

Anonymous said...

That just deserves a big sigh and a smile!

Marcie said...

Grace, I think all Moms can relate to the need for a little down time. :)

Michele said...

You look so lovely, Aisling, attempting to nap under that tree. I just want to shake out my blanket and collapse right next to you! zzzzzz....

Marcie said...

Rapunzel, Why thank you! It was completely relaxing for the few minutes that it lasted, and was a longer nap than I usually get! *grin*

Lizzie said...


Yes, as much as we enjoy the motherhood of our children, sometimes mothering oneself is a necessity as well!

Marcie said...

Lizzie, That is so true! That is why I am always glad to read on your blog that you find time for crafting, or lovingly tending your family home. :)