Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Christmas Wish...

Naughty Maudie wishes you a very nice Christmas!

Love and best wishes from the rest
of the Quiet County House Clan too!

photo by Aisling, December 25, 2007


Robbin said...

The snow is looks lovely to me. I've never seen much snow. My son and his family had a white Christmas this year for the first time since they've been in Washington State.
Maudie looks like she was caught doing something she wasn't suppose to be doing?
Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday and I hope the best for you in the coming year.

Marcie said...

Robbin, We had so much more snow, but last Saturday much of it melted. Forunately, a little new snow fell just in time for Christmas!

Maudie almost always looks as if she were just caught doing something she shouldn't be doing! *grin* At this moment, she was just romping in the snow and snooping around for anything interesting. :)

We had a nice quiet holiday. Best wishes for your year ahead also! I wonder if I will be reading this coming year of changes and adventures on your blog?