I walked early this morning, while the sun lit the hills and the fields, through rising mist. When I drove my daughter to work in the village, I walked down to the harbor. The marina was very quiet in the early morning, and the water as still and smooth as glass.
To the east, the sun was touching the river with soft color.
I took the long way home, and stopped by the township park. The soccer fields were nearly hidden in mist.
I made another stop to watch the sun crest a hill, its soft light falling amid bare trees. Two ring-neck pheasants hurried across the highway in front of me as I left the orchard.
At the base of the hill that leads home, the sun was spilling generously over mist and low-lying corn fields... welcoming me home.
Where ever you are, whatever the weather, I wish you beautiful light.
Scroll down to see my Sunday Stroll Invitation, and more strolls!
all photos by Aisling, November 22, 2009
hello and thank you for your comment...
I honestly don't know which is which either :) but the sewer is simply because of basic necessity, like seams ripping, and because I yearn to make my little granddaughter a doll or three before she is suddenly 13! the soaps and salts are taking their time, I am experimenting and enjoying my efforts along with my lovely daughter and the website will be about 6 months from now...I am having a designer do it for me, very reasonably I thought, after MUCH research!
to get to the most important, this is so beautiful, so deeply quiet and meditative, I couldn't help but wonder if this stillness is where your heart always dwells, the penetrating light, though quiet is so bright and illuminating...very wonderful to see this dreary morning in california.♥
Linda, I think this stillness is where my heart always seeks to dwell... certainly there are storm-tossed and wind-blown times too. I am glad I could share the beautiful light with you this morning.
I'm eager to see your website when completed. Do I really have to wait six months? I'm sure it will be worth the wait!
Aisling, what beautiful images you were able to capture. Several of them look like paintings.
Have a wonderful day!!!
Ernestine, What a beautiful morning I had in which to catch these images. And it was so quiet... it seemed as if only the birds and I were out and about. Thank you for letting me know you enjoyed them! :)
Oh my, so pretty, so meditative, so calming. Love the bold pheasants. I take it, it isn't hunting season. I also loved strolling along with the music. Walking on Air, it fit perfectly with the feelings evoked by the pictures.
It is hunting season, but hopefully not for pheasants. They were just strolling along the road as if they hadn't a care in the world.
Thanks, I thought I'd try music out for a while and see if I like having it on my blog. You can pause it or change tunes if you like. :)
Beautiful photos today. I especially love the sun shining through the skeletal trees. So, so pretty.
I didn't get a chance to stroll, rather...I was busy strolling through my home, cleaning up after Benjamin's 5th birthday party.
That was my favorite of the photos too; I set it as my laptop background.
I think birthday parties and the ensuing clean up trump a walk on Sundays. I hope you can join us next weekend.
Thank you for visiting!
stunning photographs.
Susan, Thank you so much! I had a lot of help from nature - and very beautiful morning.
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