Beneath the brilliant blue of the sky,
blossoms sparkle with brilliant colors of their own...

with petals of rich plum,

or lipstick pink

or a blue to rival the sky.

Shyer blossoms nod in pale crimson

or sweet lilac,

or a soft blush of purple.

Where ever you are, what ever the weather, I wish you color and joy!
1) The Chinese Elm 2)Black Hero Tulip 3) Lipstick Pink Alpine Strawberry 4)Grace Ward Lithadora 5) Aquilegia (columbine) 6) Sensation Lilac 7) Geranium 8) Blue Flax & Thundercloud Plum
Pretty, pretty. I can't imagine never knowing color. And - the different designs of flowers, it just amazes me.
Yes, color seems a necessity... and the light! There are so many ways for a flower to appear. All the designs and intricacies amaze me too. Thank you for coming by to share my flowers!
Hi Aisling!
I finally posed a stroll for today...city-style :)
Your flowers are exquisite...nature is sooo GLORIOUS!
happy day!
Marcia, Thank you for your nice comment on my flowers! I'm off to see what you found on your city stroll!
Oh Aisling...such beautiful photos! You know, I really do love columbine. My yard is full of wild columbine, all different colors, and I love them all!
Thank you for sharing your stroll...so, so pretty!
Jessica, Thank you! I love Columbine too. The one in this photo is a wild volunteer. I have other cultivars too, but they seem to be fizzling out... not as many plants this year as in past years. I will have to scatter some seeds this year to remedy that!
Enjoy the week ahead!
I never tire of the blossoms. We're having such a long look at them this spring. I'm thankful! Thinking of you this week. Every week until the end of school is so gigantic. I wish we could coast to the finish line, don't you?
Pom Pom, We are having a long look at the blooms thing spring. I just hope the garden is all finished by August! ;)
Hang in there; summer break will be here soon. I have classes over the summer, but it will be a lighter load than usual, so that will be a nice break too! :)
Have a great week!
What wonderful pictures you take - very impressive!
Thanks for sharing
Hannah, Thank you! I take a lot of "duds" to get the nice ones I post here. *grin*
Thank you for letting me know you were here!
Well, it is raining outside my window today but my garden is so lush this year. I really need to get out there and photograph it, huh? I just love that last landscape shot; gorgeous!
Jessica, I can't wait to see what is blooming. I love to take garden photos just after a rain... everything sparkles!
Thank you for visiting!
Ah Aisling, what a wonderful place you live in (at least in spring and summer), the color is so lovely especially that bit of flower to rival the blue sky. I love that line.~~Dee
Dee, Thanks for your kind comment! This is really a beautiful place to live - although sometimes I dream of living elsewhere (such as in January and February! lol!)
It was another beautiful day. I'm just drinking in the color and light!
These photos are really wonderful, Aisling! The flowers seem so close I could almost touch them.
Nan, Thanks! This camera (which is my husbands) does not have quite the macro capacity as my old one, but if I am patient, I can get some nice clear close-ups.
Your photos are beautiful as always. They never fail to lift my spirits.
Kate, Thank you! Color is good therapy!
I love visiting your blog too. It always feels like I've had a chatty, comfortable visit with a friend. Good stuff!
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