I read this Henry Miller quote today in a little book by Adair Lara called "Slowing Down in a Speeded Up World":
"The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."
I think this is why I love the zoom feature on my digital camera. Through it, I see things in a way I never would have seen before... such as the lovely, exotic blossoms of my Christmas cactus, which have decided that March would be a good month to bloom. In the summer, I found myself lying on the grass to take a slow, close photo of a spider in her lovely tulip shelter and of the intricate details of the underside of a mushroom. 
Adair Lara's book urges us to "notice colors" as a way to improve the quiet moments of our lives. I am a noticer-of-colors by nature, but I still need the reminder once in a while to pay closer attention. I did that this afternoon as I took a walk with Sijo and Haiku. We were calf deep in snow in the low places, but the cold air was fresh with the foreshadowing of spring. We noticed the swell of the buds, the blue of the sky, and the yellow-green shoots of the early daffodils.
By the way, I agree with my Christmas Cactus: March is a good month to bloom!
photos by Aisling, March 11, 2007
Aisling, I chose you for the Thinking Bloggers Award. You may read more here, and learn how you may pass it along.
Thank you, Nan! I'm off to check it out! :)
Oh my, You are such a beautiful writer! :) I enjoy emensely reading your blogs. Especially this one about zooming in on special attractive objects. I too, Have two Christmas Cactus, That are in full bloom. Oh how beautiful they are. I am always so amazed at their shape, Brilliant color and just the way they explode into a beautiful budding plant. Other times a cactus looks so quiet and solenm. And then chooses it's time to brighten everything invcluding your spirits.
Thanks for reflecting on some of the things I tend to take for granted.
Jackie :)
Jackie, Thank you for your kind comments. Now when I see my cactuses blooming, I will think of you enjoying yours as well! I can't remember them blooming at this time of year before, but maybe that is just my 40-something memory! *grin* The pink one bloomed between Thanksgiving and Christmas also! :)
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