"Just as a dancer, turning and turning, may fill the dusty light with the soft swirl of her flying skirts, our weeping willow ---now old and broken , creaking in the breeze ---turns slowly, slowly in the winter sun, sweeping the rusty roof of the barn with the pale blue lacework of her shadow."- Ted Kooser, Winter Morning Walks
I would like to tell you that I was out early this morning looking at the "pale blue lacework" of the winter's shadow. Instead, I am sitting indoors contemplating how I can get through this day without going outside at all. We had another winter storm yesterday, and today the air is bitter cold. If I stroll, I will share it here. In the meantime, I am looking forward to enjoying other strolls vicariously!
If you have time to stroll today, please post about about it on your blog and then come back here with a comment and a link to your post. You may use the Sunday Stroll button at the top of this post on your post or side bar if you would like. I will add participant names to this post so other strollers can walk through your garden too. I have guests coming this afternoon for a few hours, but will try to get outdoors either before they arrive or after they leave and will update here when I can.
Look who's strolling:
Ruth at Everyday Woman
Margaret at Periodic Pearls
Abbie at Farmer's Daughter
Joyce at Tall Grass Worship
Me, here at The Quiet Country House
Jena at Becker Farms
Aisling~ It sounds bitter cold where you are! I did observe that "blue lacework" here early this am, before the first light was really cast. The beautiful white blanket of snow here in Southern Connecticut took on a soft, blue glow. It's not that cold, so I was able to really enjoy the thick mounds of white before it melts! It's supposed to get very cold here soon, so perhaps it will stay around for a bit. I love the fresh, clean look of the new snow, and as you can tell we're probably more excited about it here than those we have been company to the snow and cold for some time already. Enjoy your day, your company, and stay warm!
I did a little strolling yesterday, and posted it for you.
Hi Aisling. My stroll is up!
I did some strolling today and my post is up. Your pictures are beautiful!! Very inspiring, I'll have to get more creative next week.
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