Tiggy has the right idea today; curl up in a ball and sleep, because it is surely not a good day for a leisurely stroll in the garden. Nevertheless, I suited up and headed out and snapped a few photos.
To the west, clouds:
To the east, more clouds:
Where the strong gusts of wind have blown the snow away, birds gather seaching the cold ground for food.

The butterfly garden, so bright with promise last week, is buried beneath a heavy white blanket. No sign of bud nor new green leaf in the garden today. It is a relief to see the evergreens in the garden on a day like this.

Trudging through drifts that rose past my knees, I worked my way down to the herb garden.

With a spring snow storm all outdoor work comes to a halt.

Maude agrees with Tiggy. It is a good day to curl up and sleep.

pet photos by Haiku
outdoor photos by Aisling
all photos March 29, 2009