It has been snowing for days now, and when the sun peeks through the clouds the hills shine, and the tree tops glitter with the snow caught on the branches.

My sons put on their winter gera and headed outside with their sleds this afternoon. The wild flowers have donned their winter hats as well.

The cold wind was tugging at the fraying birch bark as I passed by.

This chair along the southern trail near a bubbling freshet in the creek shows how much snow we have gotten in the past few days.

Where ever you are, whatever the weather, I wish you sparkling days.
all photos by Aisling, December 6, 2009
Sixty years ago I would have been out in my snowsuit, boots, mittens and hat and scarf pulling my sled. Today it just looks cold and the house with coffee or cocoa and a good window view of it all suits me just fine. The snow in the chair tells me all I need to remember of Michigan winters. Brrr
I sled with the boys two or three times a winter. Other than that, I'm content to get out long enough to take come pictures and breath in a little crisp-fresh air.
Aisling, I agree with your mom.
The images are wonderful but made me remember the Michigan winters.
Made me have a chill just thinking of them. To think I use to ski!!
Lol. I sort of feel the same as you and my mom, Ernestine. But, this is where we live, so I take it one day at a time and try to appreciate the beauty.
It's been raining all day here. Your photos are magical!
Oh! You're so lucky--I wish it would snow a bit more here. I promised Benjamin we would play in it--no matter how I feel!
Thank you for sharing!!
Brenda & Jessica,
Snow really does look pretty in photograph. As we brace for a blizzard tonight, it is hard to be super excited about snow. lol!
Thanks for coming by to see how early December looks in my corner of the world. I'm always glad to see what is going on in both of yours.
I'm not getting much online time this week, but will be by to catch up on posts soon!
Aisling, beautiful photos. That one of the snow on the seedhead is glorious. I also like the sledding photo. I hope your winter days are sparkling also.~~Dee
Dee, The sun has come out today after a week of snow and everything is indeed sparkling! It is very calm and pretty and bright!
Thank you for your nice comment on my photos!
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