Monday, March 04, 2013

Word Picture - Recess Duty (17 Degrees Farenheit)

I perch on a small green dinosaur
as four children in puffy winter gear
bounce and bop in a red metal jeep.
Sunlight glints upon the ice-glazed snow
and a single black bird flies through
the clean bright sky.


Pom Pom said...

Beautiful words, as always! Isn't poetry life-giving? Stay warm, good teacher!

Marcie said...

Thank you for your kind words, Pom Pom. You are an inspiration, in teaching and living so graciously. Today, we played in the gym because it was even colder outside! The sun is shining so beautifully, but it is cold, cold, cold!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

18 degrees and the wind blowing and I watch for the mailman way down the gravel road. Do not look forward to going to mailbox.
how I miss the wood stove and fireplace of years ago. But
could not handle bringing in wood anymore. Old age you arrived quicker then I thought you would.
Stay warm and well dear girl..