"The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls." ~ John Muir
I wasn't exactly up at sunrise this morning. After four days of attending our local summer festival, doing a great deal of walking, and then staying up late last night to watch fireworks, I slept in this morning. I will have a stroll or two to add to this post as soon as I have it written, for some kindred-gardeners have already walked in their gardens. Somewhere, someone is always walking in the garden. Someone is always planting a tree. And somewhere, always, a blossom is opening. As John Muir wrote about the "grand show" and the sunrise, "... each in its turn, as the round earth rolls."
If you have time this week for a Sunday Stroll, please post about about it on your blog and then come back here with a comment and a link to your post. You may use the Sunday Stroll button at the top of this post on your post or side bar if you would like. I will add participant names to this post so other strollers can walk through your garden too. I'll check back often and try to keep the list updated.
Look who's strolling:
Linda at Vulture Peak Muse
Ruth at Musings of an Everyday Woman
Abbie at Farmer's Daughter
Margaret at Periodic Pearls
Me, here at The Quiet Country House
Mibsy at Classical Calling
Nan at Letters from a Hill Farm (actually, a post about not strolling!)
Good morning, Aisling! What a busy week you've had! It's also our town's summer festival and I'm heading there today. I hope fellow strollers will enjoy my first attempt at a "Sunday Stroll," posted at my site at: http://everydaywomanusa.wordpress.com/
Ruth, I believe they will enjoy it. I know I did! I'm so glad you've decided to join our strolls. :)
I just put mine up!
Invitation accepted!
Aisling I found another kindred spirit this morning after reading your blog. Everydaywoman
Everyone is so talented and my simple beginning blog is just my journey. Eventually want to be able to take images and post.
Have a great day.
Someday I will take the stroll.
Here's my post on the non-stroll :<)
We strolled...thanks to Duke I was able to identify all of the plants this time! Come see..
good evening, aisling...it's saturday night but I don't get up too early so posted my stroll tonight...being in CA, I am always too late for everyone else anyway so now I can just relax and stroll with everybody else tomorrow! Hoping this is the right place even tho it's from a week ago ;)
Linda, I'm eager to go visit your stroll and will add you to this week's list. Good to see you! :)
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