I have enjoyed the music of Natalie Merchant since her days in 10,000 Maniacs, many years ago. Her latest project amazes me... She is singing the poems of 19th century poets. I love the blending of literary and musical pursuits, both of which are important to me. If you have a long stretch of time, 27 minutes and 17 seconds to be exact, this video on Ted.com is well worth watching.
If you have less time, you can hear some of her music at her website: Natalie Merchant . The current project is called "Leave Your Sleep."
If you have less time, you can hear some of her music at her website: Natalie Merchant . The current project is called "Leave Your Sleep."
I thought I heard her on NPR and she was making songs for childen? but maybe I am confused.
Well, some of the poems were intended for children... but this I think the way the collection is put together is intended for an adult audience. I didn't catch the NPR piece, so I'm not sure if she was talking about this work.
Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed it.
I listened to her while watching your slide show of pictures while she sang :)
Gorgeous photos.
Marcia, I'm glad you enjoyed the music! And thanks so much for your kind thoughts about my photos. :)
Love her, too. My husband & I saw her in a lovely theater here in PA--we were fortunate to be in the front row & it was a very memorable evening!
Can't wait to hear the whole new double-disc set. Sounds amazing!
Jessica, That sounds like the perfect setting to see her in. And front row! What good fortune! I have never had the opportunity to see her, but would do so if she performed anywhere near here.
I am eager to hear the whole recording also. :)
I recently bought this cd - there is the double set or the single, I opted for the double, the songs are wonderful - full of William Blake-like musings and stars and slow sunlight and all the right stuff.
Susan, It sounds perfect! I hope I will be able to purchase it. Lately, I just seem to add a song here or there to my ipod, but this seems like a collection worth buying in its entirety. I should hint heavily before Mother's Day. lol!
I love this!! Thank you for telling me about this video. She's just so great. The NPR piece was really great. Click over if you have time. You'll enjoy it.
Heather Jane, As soon as my semester winds down, I'm going to check out that NPR story. I wonder if I could get it as a podcast for my iPod? Thank you for letting me know you checked out the video I posted. She really is an amazing artist.
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