"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
~ John Muir
If you have time this week for a Sunday Stroll, please post about it on your blog and then come back here with a comment etting me know that you are joining in, and please include a link to your post. You may use the Sunday Stroll button at the top of this post on your post or sidebar if you would like. I will add participant names to this post so that other strollers may walk through your garden too. I'll check back as often as my day allows and try to keep the list updated. Enjoy the day!
Look who's strolling:
Margaret at Periodic Pearls
Marcia at Child in Harmony
Cloudhands at Uncarved Block
Oh, what a day! Easter and Spring rolled into one! Happy strolling to all!
I've got a little too much wind for good photos, but it is a nice day for Easter.
Off to see your stroll.
Beautiful day here in south central Florida.
Wishing you a happy Easter day.
We had a glorious ride home with several stops to snap pictures.
Happy Easter Day!
I stole away for an early stroll and then strolled again with family. Glorious glorious sunshine and warmth!
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