This is just a quick note, during a busy week. With my camera not working, I am forgoing "Wordless Wednesday" for the second week in a row. We have company this week and so I am finding only small bits of time to play on the computer. This is, in essence, my last week of summer vacation for this year. Next week on Monday, I return to college classes. For the first time since my freshman semester when I was 18, I will be a full time student. Wish me luck!
Also on Monday, my oldest daughter begins her freshman semester of college. I almost ended that sentence with a question mark. How can this be true... that my freckle-faced sprite is a college freshman?
The following week, my youngest child begins kindergarten. I will be in classes myself that day, and so Limerick will take the day off to accompany Tanka to his short orientation. I will at least be home to snap a couple of "first day of kindergarten" photos. It will be another "how can this be true?" moment, for sure.
Last week, on Tuesday, I took my sons to a minor league baseball game in a city nearby. We arrived early and were stopped by a young lady planning a between inning activity. She asked if my sons could participate in an activity sponsored by a Mexican food restaurant. I read over and signed the appropriate forms. Between the fourth and fifth innings, this young lady came and got my boys and escorted them to the edge of the field. Dressed in taco costumes, my two boys provided the between inning entertainment. They raced from first base to third, meeting one of the team mascots at the finish line. Nine year old Sijo beat his five year old brother, whose little face was hidden beneath folds of "lettuce and taco shell." Tanka fell twice during the race, tripping on the costume, but he got right up and kept on going. He ended with a big grin on his face. A fine example of perseverance! Sadly, I did not have a camera with me, so I took more of those "pictures with my heart" that I wrote about recently.
photo by Aisling, August 2008, color enhanced with photo editting