Star-shaped pumpkin blossoms are becoming pale spherical "baby" pumpkins.
Amid white flowers, tiny thin green beans are already forming, but the cucumbers are still only in the flowering stage.
Tomatoes are covered in both yellow blossoms and green globes.
Heads of broccoli, blue-green and getting large, are almost ready to harvest.
The zinnias, sedate in bud, will soon be a riot of green and pink at the north end of each row in the vegetable garden.
In the butterfly garden, the last of the orange day-lilies are blooming, as the tiger lilies begin their reign as the brightest orange in the garden.
The first Star Gazer lily, her color somewhat subdued this year, has opened near the brilliant blue butterfly delphinium.
When it feels like there is a "lull" in the garden, I have to look a little closer and I find that the "grand show", as John Muir called it, continues. Always, it continues.
all photos by Aisling, Sunday, August 2, 2008
and that's so true, the grand show continues somewhere...I thought my garden was fried beyond anything worthy of capturing until I really looked. A rose here, a glorious golden fireworks of feathergrass there and always birds and blooming this and that...I do envy your lovely veggies...that broccoli!
Linda, I'd love to share! If you were livin' right next door, I'd send some broccoli right over. I'm going to pick some and try it out tonight.
Thanks for visiintg my stroll. I enjoyed yours today!
I'm with Linda, Aisling! I want some fresh broccoli. I'm missing salad, I can't eat raw stuff that you can't peel and I love salad. But they say even the cleanest veggies that we get from places could cause problems for me. I could do a salad without lettuce with all peeled stuff.
Thanks for sharing your stroll. Everything looks great!
I can't thank you enough for putting these strolls together! I've so enjoyed visiting other gardens, backyards, and private treasures. I especially enjoy the poetry in your captions. I can't wait for more of our "green globes" to turn crimson! Thanks so much for inviting me to join your group!
It would be really hard to stick with "peeled stuff" only. Wow. I'll bet, when that restriction is lifted, you'll eat the biggest green leafy salad ever! I would.
What a nice note from you this morning! I'm so glad to have another person strolling along with us. Your farm looks like a beautiful place to meander. I'm certain that a lot of hard work goes on there much of the time, but isn't it nice to slow down sometimes and just appreciate the beauty? :)
Nancy, Isn't the chicory a gorgeous color? I just love it too. Thank you for your nice comment on my photo. :)
My header has been there for a little while, but thank you. I love that corner of my garden, though since the photo was taken, I've changed it a bit.
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