photos by Aisling, February 23, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Nobody Faint!
photos by Aisling, February 23, 2009
The Warp and Weft of Winter - 2009
photos by Aisling, February 22, 2009
1) the living room clock and its shadow 2) a prism at the kitchen window 3) the cloudy sky through the window screen 4) a pointsettia at the window 5) the fabric on our 1930s radio 6) embroidery on a quilt my grandmother made for me when I was in my teens 7) the corner of my nightstand, with a silk-flower pen in a hand-painted pot (a gift from my son Sijo)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday Stroll
Miss Maudie seemed to enjoy her romp in the deep snow, despite the extra effort involved in moving from one place to the next.
Why do the hills seem steeper in winter? Maude and I would both like to know! Whatever the answer, we wouldn't miss this chance to tromp up and down the hills together, under those moody skies, and then lay down together in the living room to rest from our efforts.
Sunday Stroll Invitation

If you have time to stroll today, and if your weather permits, please post about about it on your blog and then come back here with a comment and a link to your post. You may use the Sunday Stroll button at the top of this post on your post or side bar if you would like. I will add participant names to this post so other strollers can walk through your garden too.
Look who's strolling:
Ruth at Musings of an Everyday Woman
Cloudhands at Uncarved Block
Margaret at Periodic Pearls
Nan at Letters from a Hill Farm
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sunday Stroll - Water Colors
photos by Haiku and Aisling, February 15, 2009
Sunday Stroll Invitation
If you have time to stroll today, and if your weather permits, please post about about it on your blog and then come back here with a comment and a link to your post. You may use the Sunday Stroll button at the top of this post on your post or side bar if you would like. I will add participant names to this post so other strollers can walk through your garden too.
Look who's strolling:
Cloudhands at Uncarved Block
Margaret at Periodic Pearls
Abbie at Farmer's Daughter
Ruth at Musings of an Everyday Woman
Me, here at The Quiet Country House
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Early Evening
The south end of the butterfly garden is still snow-covered, but in the north end, sprouts are pushing through the earth. The first photo is a little wild iris that is often the first thing to bloom in my garden in the spring, proceeding the crocus blooms whose shoots make their appearance in the second photo.
The lingering snow clearly states that winter is still here, but the air hints at spring, and and the fields are filled with reminders of other seasons.
Though we lost many inches of snow today, snow is in the forecast for later in the week. Before that happens, I'm going to enjoy the remainder of this beautiful, balmy night. Well, not balmy really, but everything is relative! Wherever you are, whatever the weather, I hope you find something beautiful to lift your spirits.
all photos by Aisling, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
A Borrowed Stroll....
I was outside several times today, but my camera is on a snowmobile weekend with my husband, so I'm going to borrow several of Haiku's photos. She took these last Sunday afternoon after my stroll. She went a little further afield than I did, down the hill and into the woods. It still looks much like this today, but with a few more bare patches. By the way, if by "partly cloudy" the weatherman meant "perfectly blue sky with the merest suggestion of clouds on the northern edge of the sky" then he got the forecast right for the day. It was near freezing all day, but so pretty that it was easy to ignore the temperature and head outside to enjoy all the sparkle of the sunlight on the snow.
A little red squirrel hid his head from the camera, but the trees, and the snow, and the tiny hidden beauties of the woods were cooperative with Haiku. These photos reveal the winter peacefulness of her walk in the woods. How could we fully appreciate the cool greenness of the woods in the summer, if we never experienced the white stillness of the woods in winter?