Our skies have been so beautiful lately, with fat soft clouds brushed with color in the mornings and evenings. Watching them, I have been reminded of a favorite cartoon moment from my children's earlier days. In this clip, which I was glad to find on youtube, the characters in the 100 acre wood are trying to cheer Eeyore up. As each character tries to make Eeyore happy, they choose an activity that they love, thinking Eeyore will love it too... but they don't really understand Eeyore's preferences. If you don't have time for an almost 5 minute clip, slide the bar over to the 3 mintue mark and watch from there and you will see my favorite part.
Special thanks to my mom, Cloudhands, for encouraging cloudpainting (though we didn't call it that) from my own early days of childhood.
Oh my, Eeyore and his wonderful imagination and skill brought a tear to my eye and deep appreciation of finding joy in the simple things of childhood. Thanks for the memories. I think I'll go outside and gather some clouds.
I teared up a few times when I watched this scene at the end of the full cartoon. It's very sweet. Enjoy your cloud gathering!
How sweet. We loved Eeyore in my childhood home. My mom made me an Eeyore costume for Halloween! It was pretty amazing! I still have my little red book. It's on the mantle. xopp
How fun that you were Eeyore for Halloween. I can never decide on a favorite pooh bear character. I think each one represents a different facet of my character. lol!
Thanks for commenting. It is nice to see you here.
I passed a blog award on to you, fun blogger! Go to my blog and accept the award, if you have time! xopp
Pom Pom,
Thanks so much. I'll come by soon. :)
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