"Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn."
~Elizabeth Lawrence
If you have time this week for a Sunday Stroll, please post about about it on your blog and then come back here with a comment and a link to your post. You may use the Sunday Stroll button at the top of this post on your post or side bar if you would like. I will add participant names to this post so other strollers can walk through your garden too. I'll check back as often as I can and try to keep the list updated.
Look who is strolling today:
Heather at Heather's Homemaking
Linda at Vulture Peak Muse
Elizabeth at Elizabeth Plain and Simple
Cloudhands at Uncarved Block
Abbie at Farmer's Daughter
Ruth at Musings of an Everyday Woman
My stroll this week is a look back at the veggie garden over the past few months. http://heathershomemaking.blogspot.com/2009/09/looking-back-through-growing-season.html
hi aisling, well, I have strolled maybe once this week, battling the flu continually....I will link you now that I see your bee button! :)
I have accepted your invitation and have posted about my Sunday stroll. I have also provided a link back to your blog. Thank you for hosting this event and I hope you have a wonderful afternoon..
Thank you all for sharing your strolls today!
I've gone back to the creek this week to show the effect of all our rain.
FINALLY got my post up!
My stroll is http://cinnyn.blogspot.com/2010/05/weekend-stroll.html I've been working in New Haven for the past few weeks. This is me finding my way around to the parks in town.
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