Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Stroll Invitation

~ John Muir

When one goes looking for quotes about nature one finds, of course, the wisdom of John Muir.  I will walk in nature today seeking refreshment and renewal.   What do you seek when you walk?

If you have time today for a Sunday Stroll, and if you share your stroll in words or pictures on your blog, please comment here and I will provide a link for readers who visit here. 

Unlike years past, it often takes me a day or two to provide all of the links or even get my own photos posted.  I hope that is not inconvenient, but it is the pace of life here on the farm.  Things other than technology take precedence and the walk itself is more important than the blog post about the walk.  Sometimes, I don't even remember the camera anymore... then I just breathe the air and drink in the beauty with my eyes.

Please waltz on over to Pom Poms's blog to see her stroll.

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