Saturday, February 11, 2017

Saturday Snapshot - Nap Time

In the afternoon
while the dogs are napping,

I hear the crackle of a low fire in the woodstove.

I see all the comforts of home
near at hand:
blankets for coziness,
teapots for warmth that grows
 from the inside out,
books for reading...
 now or later.

I  taste the simple refreshment of lemon water,
and smell lunch baking in the oven;
a farm-fresh frittata,
generously speckled
with home-grown vegetables.

I feel blessed and very fortunate 
on a quiet February afternoon.

Are you a napper?  If so, are you an arm-chair snoozer, or do you climb into your comfortable welcoming bed?  Are your naps the twenty minute cat-nap variety, or long and indulgent?  I am not much of a napper, but I try to take a cue from my napping animal friends and take some time for quiet rest in the afternoon, for a book, a cup of tea and a luxurious stretch as I rise.

Where ever you are, whatever the weather, I wish you bountiful blessings.


Cat Lover said...

Lovely photos and words Marcie. I am an occasional chair napper. If I laid down on a bed I would be gone for hours!

Out on the prairie said...

I like to read in bed, sometimes it is warmer that way. I have been known to just shut down when I sit down, especially when the TV is on.