That my flowers are now folding in upon themselves does not make them any less of a miracle. This week was filled with warmer days than November usually brings to these hills, and I saw several new flowers open, though others around them were rendered colorless and limp by heavy early morning frost. Any bloom in November is a miracle to me, from the late-blooming blossoms in the gardens to the Christmas cactuses now appearing at the supermarket. I wonder what miracles I will find when I walk under these gray skies later in the day? I wonder what miracles you will find where you live?
If you have time this week for a Sunday Stroll, please about about it on your blog and then come back here with a comment and a link to your post. You may use the Sunday Stroll button at the top of this post on your post or sidebar if you would like. I will add participant names to this post so that other strollers may walk through your garden too. I'll check back as often as my day allows and try to keep the list updated. Enjoy the day!
Look who's strolling:
Margaret at Periodic Pearls
Abbie at Farmer's Daughter
Cloudhands at Uncarved Block
Jessica at Four Square School House
Me, here at the Quiet Country House
Briefly strolling outside. Lots to do indoors today.
Hi Aisling, I just got my stroll up!
Lets go explore the arts of the Cumberlands in Cookeville today.
Here is today's stroll by the creek:
I love your mom's comments. She's so fun! No stroll today due to snowy sidewalks. Maybe tomorrow! Happy, happy, friend!
Thank you to those who participated! I'm making my rounds to see all of the strolls. :)
Pom Pom, I hope you make it next week, but I loved your snowy scenes this morning! :)
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