A quote from my original Sunday Stroll Invitation in April of 2008:
"A Sunday Stroll is not a power walk. It is a slow motion experience. To take a Sunday Stroll is to meander through the garden, with camera in hand, noticing things... like the tender green shoot growing up through last year's leaf litter, light through a translucent petal, or the spider in the tulip cup. "
If you have time this week for a Sunday Stroll, please post about about it on your blog and then come back here with a comment and a link to your post. You may use the Sunday Stroll button at the top of this post on your post or side bar if you would like. I will add participant names to this post so other strollers can walk through your garden too. I'll check back often and try to keep the list updated.
Look who is strolling today:
Linda at Vulture Peak Muse
Pom Pom at Pom Pom's Ponderings
Margaret at Periodic Pearls
Me, here at the Quiet Country House
"The moment one gives close attention to anything,
even a blade of grass,
it becomes a mysterious, awesome,
indescribably magnificent world in itself."
even a blade of grass,
it becomes a mysterious, awesome,
indescribably magnificent world in itself."
~ Henry Miller
I'm getting ready to set out . . . thank you for the encouragement, Aisling!
"It might be good to open our eyes and see." ~ Thomas Merton
Enjoy your stroll!
I made a video - it was SO unbelievably beautiful outside today! Come on over and take a Hobbit Walk!
Stroll just posted.
I love your sunflower header photo! So cheery.
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