There is lovely color in my perennial gardens in these days of mid August, but the "wild edges" are almost stealing the show as golden rod bursts into bloom.

I am enthralled, as I am each year, by the humble joe pye weed. It stretches toward the sky, cloudy and blue-gray on this hot, windy day, some of it taller than my 5 feet 2 inches.

Limerick and the boys have faithfully planted and tended a vegetable garden while I focused on my studies this summer. Things are progressing slowly, but steadily.

While some things, like this pretty sweet potato vine creep along the earth, the slow-growing sweet corn reaches for the cloudy sky.

The milkweed has set pods and seeds are forming for next year's milkweed. The milkweed borers are hungry, but not stealthy at all. It is hard to be mad at anything with such handsome antennae!

Monarchs have been visiting the butterfly bushes, now at the lush peak of their bloom. Their honeyed fragrance scents the humid evening air as a storm gathers in the west. Wherever you are, whatever the weather, I wish you happy wanderings!
1) casa blanca lily 2) star gazer lily 3) blue balloon flower and golden rod 4, 5, 6) joe pye weed 7)roma tomatoes 8) pepper 9) cabbage 10) pumpkin 11) sweet potato leaf 12) sweet corn 13) milkweed pod 14) milkweed borer; Tetraopes Femoratus 15) butterfly weed and western sky
all photos by Aisling, August 16, 2009
I just LOVE your new banner with the sunflowers! It's so nice how you change your banner with the seasons.
How nice, too, that your boys helped tend the vegetable garden this year and supported your time in your studies. Isn't it wonderful how families rally together to support each other?
I enjoyed your post about your house "showing" that you've been busy elsewhere; I know exactly what you mean, as mine is the same here!
Good luck to you and your children as you embark on a new school year. Best wishes your way . . .
Oh, and LOVELY pix as always of your flowers and gardens . . .
Thank you for the nice note! I've been trying to do a new banner each month, but next year will just recycle those that I made this year. So, this is my "August" banner, because sunflowers are blooming along the roadsides now. They grow sunflowers as a crop around here, and the fields are really picturesque.
Best wishes for your upcoming school year too! Any day now, right?
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