Monday, March 13, 2017

Photo A Day Challenge 13 - Ink

Today's challenge was ink.  Because I was gone most of the day, working at my nanny/tutor job that is almost at an end, I didn't have a lot of time for the challenge.  When I read the prompt, one of my first thoughts was of a writer of yesteryear dipping their pen in ink.  On that note, I used my sons nice new pens to jot down a favorite quote.

I love this thought.  And, I am curious!  In fact, I am wondering right now if you have any favorite quotes, or any words you "live by."  If so, feel free to share them in  my comments, as I get a head start thinking of tomorrow's photo a day prompt, Friendship.


Pom Pom said...

Hello Marcie!
I love the site There are so many quotes about every subject.

Marcie said...

Pom, Oh, I will have to check out that site! I don't think I've landed there before! Always seem to end up at the same couple of quote sites. Thank you!

Sandra Cox said...

What a perfect quote!
Have a great day, Marcie:)

JFM said...

What a great idea that you came up with Marcie and a great quote!!!

Here is one of my favorite quotes..."Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that never hurts." by Charles Dickens


Marcie said...

Sandra, Why thank you! :D

Jan, Oh I love that. I wish I had that temper that never tires. I get frustrated, more than really angry, but that quote inspires one to try harder! Love it. Thank you for sharing!

Cat Lover said...

Hi Marcie, love the Walt Whitman quote! The quote that seems to run through my head is very simple, "Always be kind" not always so easy to follow!

Marcie said...

Robin, Always be kind is the very best advice! You are correct, it is not always easy... but it is always right, isn't it?